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1943 Gregg WWll Tennth  Mountain Division Skis Flat Top Military Skis with  Bear Trap Bindings.

1943 Gregg WWll Tennth Mountain Division Skis

This is a great example of skis made for the 10th Mountain Ski Trooper of WWII. Length - 7 ft
Currently Unavailable
Product Code: skis-10th-mt-gregg-kh
1943 Gregg WWll Tenth Mountain Division Skis

Henry S. Gregg was president in 1906 of the Minneapolis Iron Store Company, which owned Park Manufacturing and Gregg Manufacturig companies. Park and Gregg started out making wooden farm implements. Gregg began making wooden skis for the Dartmouth Cooperative Society in Hanover, NH in 1919. Henry Gregg's son John Gregg became vice-president of Gregg Manufacturing in about 1926. Demand grew into the 1930s and Gregg Skis was one of the three major suppliers of skis for the 10th Mtn. Div. during WW2.

Length - 7
Length - 7 ft


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