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Vintage Nordic, Touring & Jumping Skis



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Whether its wooden touring skis, jumping skis or vintage lodge decor, Vintage Ski World has you covered. We are one of the most sought after companies when it comes to shopping for vintage skis and vintage lodge decor and we aim to continue this tradition by satisfying every customer that makes a purchase via our online store. If this is your first time visiting Vintage Ski World, we welcome you to join our growing communities made up of vintage skiing enthusiasts just like you. Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook and start interacting!

Thank you for visiting Vintage Ski World, your source for touring and cross country wooden skis, vintage lodge decor and more. If you have questions about any of the products on this site, ordering, shipping and/or returns, we welcome you to give us a call today at 800-332-6323. You can also reach us via email at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

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